What is Extended Producer Responsibility?

We know Extended Producer Responsibility, or EPR, can sound like a big, confusing thing – but we’re here to make it simple and straightforward.

Whether you’re a new seller or well-established in the e-commerce industry, we answer all your frequently asked questions about EPR.

Say goodbye to stress and hello to a greener, more responsible way of doing e-commerce. Let’s work together to make the online world a better place for everyone.

EPR Made Easy

What is Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR)?

Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) is a concept that shifts the burden of post-consumer waste management from governments and individuals to producers and manufacturers.

This approach encourages companies to take ownership of the entire lifecycle of their products, from creation to disposal.

It’s a pivotal strategy in combating the environmental challenges we face today and is designed to revolutionise the way we approach environmental responsibility in certain regions.

Why does EPR matter?

EPR matters because it holds companies accountable for the products they make, use, and sell. Instead of just making things and then leaving the mess for someone else to deal with, EPR makes companies responsible for handling their products from start to finish.

This is crucial because it helps reduce pollution, conserve resources, and protect the environment. When companies know they’ll have to deal with the waste their products create, they’re more likely to make things that are easier to recycle and produce less waste in the first place.

Ultimately, EPR is about promoting sustainability and ensuring that businesses play their part in keeping our planet healthy for future generations.

Who’s responsible?

Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) flips the script on traditional waste management by placing the responsibility on the shoulders of those who create products: the producers.

This means anyone importing, selling or manufacturing goods in certain jurisdictions are accountable not only for making goods but also for what happens to them once consumers are done using them. Instead of passing the burden onto local governments or taxpayers, EPR requires producers to take ownership of the entire lifecycle of their products, from manufacturing to disposal.

By making producers responsible, EPR encourages them to design products that are easier to recycle and produce less waste, ultimately fostering a more sustainable approach to consumption and production.

How do consumers benefit from EPR?

Consumers play a vital role in Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) initiatives, and they stand to benefit in several ways.

  • By purchasing products from companies that adhere to EPR principles, consumers can contribute to a cleaner environment and healthier communities
  • EPR encourages companies to design products that are easier to recycle and dispose of responsibly, reducing the burden on landfills and incinerators.
  • EPR can lead to the development of more durable and sustainable products, saving consumers money in the long run.
  • EPR empowers consumers to make more informed purchasing decisions, supporting companies that prioritise environmental sustainability.

How are the products defined?

Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) spans various categories of products, including electronics, packaging, batteries, and textiles, each with distinct considerations and challenges.

  • Electronics addresses the disposal of devices like computers, televisions, and smartphones, ensuring proper handling of valuable materials and hazardous substances.
  • Packaging targets the vast amount of packaging waste generated by consumer goods, aiming to minimize its environmental impact through improved design and recycling programs.
  • Batteries focuses on the safe disposal and recycling of batteries, which can contain toxic chemicals.
  • Textiles addresses the growing issue of textile waste generated by the fashion industry, promoting recycling and reuse to reduce environmental harm.

All categories illustrate the need for tailored approaches to manage their environmental impact effectively throughout their lifecycle.

What is DE WEEE?

The DE WEEE (German Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment) registration process is a crucial step for manufacturers and distributors of electrical and electronic equipment to comply with legal requirements.

Before placing products on the market in Germany, companies must register with the designated authority and provide detailed information about the types and quantities of electrical and electronic equipment they produce or distribute. This process involves the appointment of an Authorised Representative, Guarantee Provider and a Waste Collection and Processing Facilitator.

This registration ensures that manufacturers and distributors fulfil their obligations under the German Electrical and Electronic Equipment Act and contribute to financing the collection, recycling, and environmentally sound disposal of electronic waste.

Failure to register or comply with DE WEEE requirements can result in legal penalties and fines. By completing the registration process, companies demonstrate their commitment to responsible waste management and environmental sustainability, contributing to the sustainable management of electronic waste in Germany.

Find out when when various EPR categories will be enforced in Germany.

How does filing work?

Filing for Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) involves a structured process to ensure compliance with regulatory requirements.

Initially, during the registration process, companies must assess whether their products fall under EPR regulations and determine the applicable legislation based on their geographical selling location and the nature of their products.

Once identified, companies will register with the relevant regulatory authority or a designated organisation responsible for overseeing EPR programs.

This registration process involves a forecasted filing providing detailed estimated information about the types and quantities of products placed on the market, as well as fulfilling initial payments related to the collection, recycling, and disposal of end-of-life products.

Once registered, companies will need to submit periodic reports in relation to their relevant filing frequencies detailing their activity which will then be used to calculate a financial contribution to waste management authorities to cover the cost of the activity performed in certain jurisdictions.

What does the future look like for EPR?

The future of Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) holds promising prospects as global awareness of environmental issues continues to rise. EPR is expected to evolve and expand across industries and regions, with an increasing number of countries adopting or strengthening EPR regulations to address growing concerns about waste management and resource conservation.

Future developments may include the inclusion of new product categories under EPR frameworks, such as textiles, furniture, and construction materials, as well as the integration of innovative technologies to enhance recycling processes and traceability of materials.

Additionally, there may be greater emphasis on circular economy principles, encouraging product design for durability, repairability, and recyclability to minimize waste generation and maximize resource efficiency.

Collaboration among stakeholders, including governments, manufacturers, consumers, and recycling industries, will be essential to drive EPR initiatives forward and achieve sustainable outcomes. Ultimately, the future of EPR holds the promise of a more circular and sustainable economy, where producers take greater responsibility for the environmental impact of their products, leading to reduced waste, improved resource efficiency, and a healthier planet for future generations.

As a business what can I do to make the future of EPR easier?

As a business, there are several steps you can take to make the future of Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) easier and more sustainable.

  • Firstly, prioritise product design with environmental considerations in mind, aiming for products that are durable, repairable, and recyclable. This proactive approach will not only reduce waste but also make it easier to comply with EPR regulations in the long run.
  • Invest in sustainable packaging solutions, such as using recyclable or biodegradable materials and minimizing excess packaging where possible.
  • Stay informed about evolving EPR regulations and have an understanding of your data as a business. This would involve knowledge on quantities on units going into each jurisdiction, product and packaging weights and materials used.

By taking these proactive measures, businesses can contribute to a more sustainable future and make EPR compliance easier and more effective.

Stay EPR compliant with AVASK

As we wrap up this journey through EPR, one thing is clear: AVASK is your steadfast partner in compliance. From registration to filing, we’ve got you covered.

Remember, EPR isn’t just about ticking boxes; it’s about our collective commitment to a greener future.

Get in touch with our team, and let’s continue building a sustainable world together.

Breaking News for e-commerce entrepreneurs: UK announces ban on single-use plastics from 1st October 2023

In a significant development for e-commerce entrepreneurs selling goods in the United Kingdom, the government has announced a comprehensive ban on single-use plastics, encompassing plates, bowls, trays, containers, cutlery, and balloon sticks.

This move aims to further combat plastic pollution and promote sustainability, aligning with the global effort to reduce the environmental impact of disposable plastics.

The key takeaways of the single-use plastics ban:

Ban on single-use plastics:

The UK government has officially prohibited the sale and distribution of single-use plastics for plates, bowls, trays, containers, cutlery, and balloon sticks. This ban takes effect from the 1st October 2023.

Environmental commitment:

This decision underscores the UK’s commitment to reducing plastic waste and minimizing its adverse effects on the environment. By eliminating these single-use plastic items, the government aims to encourage sustainable alternatives and practices.

Implications for e-commerce entrepreneurs:

E-commerce businesses that sell or distribute these banned items must adapt to the new regulations before the 1st October 2023. This may involve revising product offerings, sourcing alternative materials, or exploring eco-friendly packaging options.

Fines and penalties:

The government has outlined strict penalties for non-compliance with these regulations. E-commerce entrepreneurs are urged to familiarise themselves with the guidelines to avoid fines and legal action.

Sustainable practices:

This ban aligns with the broader global trend towards sustainability and the EPR regulations that have come into force in a number of European countries, most notably France, Germany, Spain and Austria.
E-commerce entrepreneurs should consider this an opportunity to embrace eco-friendly practices, which can not only ensure compliance but also attract environmentally conscious consumers.

Appealing a Fine:

If your business faces a fine related to this ban, you have the option to appeal. Detailed information on the appeals process can be found on the UK government’s official website here.

What e-commerce entrepreneurs should do now:

1. Assess Your Product Line:

Review your inventory to identify any single-use plastic items subject to the ban. Plan to phase out these products and replace them with sustainable alternatives before the 1st October 2023 deadline.

2. Check Your Supply Chain:

Ensure that your suppliers are also compliant with these regulations and can provide eco-friendly alternatives.

3. Update Marketing and Packaging:

Modify your product descriptions and packaging to reflect your commitment to sustainability. This can be a selling point for environmentally conscious consumers.

4. Stay Informed:

Keep a close watch on developments related to the ban and any updates to regulations. Compliance is essential to avoid fines and legal repercussions.

You can keep up-to-date with any future updates through our Compliance Wiki.

5. Appeal Process:

Familiarise yourself with the procedure for appealing fines if you believe you’ve been wrongly penalised.

The UK’s ban on single-use plastics is a significant step towards a greener future. e-commerce entrepreneurs have an opportunity to lead the way in sustainable practices and contribute to the global effort to reduce plastic pollution. Adapting to these changes now will not only ensure compliance but also demonstrate your commitment to environmental responsibility.

For more details and guidance on the ban, contact your dedicated AVASK account manager, email: enquiries@avaskgroup.com or telephone is at: +44 (0)23 8060 0120 or +1 (914) 664 1900.

Disclaimer: This article is for information purposes only and should not be construed as legal advice. Please consult with legal experts or relevant authorities for specific guidance related to your business.

Everything you need to know about EPR

If you or your business are selling goods in France or Germany, then the 1st of January 2022 is a significant date. New EPR legislation comes into effect that requires Producers to register and file EPR returns, and for online marketplaces to collect and validate your EPR registration numbers and comply with new local requirements.

While much is still unravelling, we have put together the following blog about this environmental policy and how it affects you and your business:

What is EPR?

EPR stands for Extended Producer Responsibility and although it is a new thing for Amazon and AVASK, it is not a new thing overall. This environmental policy originated in 1988 in Sweden, and it requires producers to take responsibility for the entire life cycle of the products that they put into the market, including their eventual disposal.

Who needs to register for EPR?

The Producer is the person or company who first places a product on the market which is subject to EPR requirements. It is currently only applicable in the German and French markets, with the view for other European countries, including the UK, to follow suit in the not-too-distant future.

You are considered a Producer:

  • if you manufacture a product*
  • if you import a product*
  • if you sell a product* and you are not established in that country.

*subject to EPR requirements in the country

If you are a Producer of products within the scope of Extended Producer Responsibility requirements, you will be obliged to provide your EPR registration number(s) to your Online Marketplace, for example Amazon or eBay.

What are the new requirements for registration?

If you are a Producer and do not have an EPR registration number(s), you are required to register to obtain one.

On the rare occasion that you are not a Producer but sell product(s) subject to Extended Producer Responsibility requirements, you need to obtain the applicable EPR registration number(s) from your upstream supplier and provide the OMP with the appropriate registration number(s) as proof of compliance.

If you are not a producer and cannot obtain the applicable EPR registration number(s) from your upstream supplier, you are required to register and provide the OMP with your EPR registration number(s).

How AVASK can help?

In line with new requirements, and the impending requirements from other countries on the horizon, AVASK have set up an EPR service which will keep you compliant, it includes:

  • Registration of EPR numbers in each necessary category and country
  • Monthly/ quarterly or annual filing and reporting in Germany and France (depending on the country and category)
  • Authorised representation for Germany or France (currently for WEEE categories)

If you have any questions about how we can help you expand your business, get in contact with us. Our team of experts can assist with Extended Producer Responsibility.